3 Reasons AI Won’t Replace Tech Sales Jobs

Tech sales has been a booming career option in the last 5 years. With all the talk about AI automating jobs in the near future, I’m curious – how likely is it that AI will replace Tech Sales? As an SDR, I outline what the job looks like on a day-to-day basis, with the tech stack we use to do our jobs, as well as share a big ChatGPT announcement that made waves in the AI world.

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Time Stamps
00:09 Who Is This Vdeo For?
00:34: What does an SDR do?
1:49 Tools SDRs Use Daily
2:19 Two Skills Top Performing SDRs Have
3:45 ChatGPT’s Big Announcement
5:11 AI Integrations Are Coming
5:57 Why AI Won’t Replace SDRs
6:07 3 Things Humans Do That AI Cannot
8:02 Big Takeaways On Tech Sales

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