Acquisition Management Specialist with Security Clearance

Aberdeen, MD – ul,p {width:100%;} DCS Corporation is seeking an Acquisition Management Specialist to assist an Army Product Manager at Aberdeen, MD in advancing a system through MIlestone C approval and beyond. Essential Job Functions: Work within DOD 5000.1, 5000.2, Federal Acquisition Regulation and other related DOD/Army guidance for compliance. Develop/draft acquisition documentation to ensure overall program compliance with applicable federal acquisition laws, regulations, and policies. Develop plans… are complete to maintain organization mission. Serve as the lead for developing and staffing acquisition documents, approaches or techniques to achieve program objectives. Serve on or lead the efforts of various committees, meetings, work-groups, and process action teams. Coordinate with internal and external organizations and offices engaged in the development and implementation of plans and objectives. Review program management schedules and status to include development efforts, testing information…

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