CareerBrandVideos™ Why Personal Branding Matters in Executive Job Search

Personal branding is no longer optional … if you wish to land a task you yearn for and should have. Video is one of the most powerful methods to express your personal brand, differentiate the distinct value you provide, and build online exposure. Much better online presence suggests more eyes on your individual brand name.

Kinetic animation videos, like this example of one of my CareerBrandVideos ™, are one of the very best video options for task search.

CareerBrandVideos ™–

This is a tailored video system specifically developed for task search, career and entrepreneurs, produced by Hannah Morgan and myself (both people are professions industry experts) and Andre Palko (a video marketer), to be utilized career-long on your social networks channels.

* They’re not “job-searchy” like video resumes, so if you’re task searching under cover like the majority of people, they will not “ou