Computational Science Postdoc Fellow

Berkeley Lab – California – The Advanced Light Source (ALS) and the Molecular Foundry (MF) at Berkeley Lab is seeking a Computational Science Postdoc Fellow to work on the development of a user friendly Machine Learning environment for scientific user facilities. ALS is a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science national scientific user facility whose excellent scientific reputation, expert staff, and capabilities in the soft x-ray, hard x-ray, and infrared regimes attract more than 2,000 academic and industrial… users each year in disciplines spanning physical, chemical, materials, biological, energy, and Earth sciences. The Molecular Foundry is one of five national User Facilities for nanoscale science that serves over 1000 academic, industrial and government scientists around the world each year. Users come to the Foundry to perform multidisciplinary research beyond the reach of an individual’s own laboratory. The ALS and MF are two of five Berkeley Lab user facilities that serve a combined 11,000 users…

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