Development Tools Product Owner

Raleigh, NC – The IHS Markit Developer Tools Group is looking for a Product Owner/Business Analyst to assess the needs of our internal development community and ensure that our roadmap and product backlogs are prioritized to have the highest positive impact on user productivity and satisfaction. The existing team is strong on technical execution (upgrades, monitoring, AWS) and user support, so the Product Owner will focus on outreach to users and translation of conversations to user stories. The Dev Tools… Group is organized into four squads, each of which owns some of the following tools: Azure DevOps, GitLab, SonarQube, WhiteSource, TFS, Jira, Confluence, Miro, Artifactory, and TeamCity. Experience with some of these tools is helpful, but it’s more important to have a strategic understanding of DevOps processes (build, deploy, etc.) and be able to assess how our tools help (or hinder) development teams. Jira is the likely first focus area. We have a growing and dynamic team and plenty of room…

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