Get a Tech Job with No Experience | IT Careers and Information Technology Jobs in Tech

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If you want to get a tech job with no experience, today I will discuss IT careers, information technology jobs in tech, and how to transition into the tech industry. So, if you are trying change careers and make a transition into a tech position, then this video is for you. Getting a job in tech doesn’t have to be tedious and it does not always require to have previous experience especially if it is an entry level position. If you want to land your first job in tech, then watch till the end.

The tech industry is a booming industry and it will continue to thrive because it’s one of the few industries that will probably never become outdated because it’s the future, it’s technology, and I think that’s one of the main reasons why many people are looking to transition into that field. But many people struggle with knowing how exactly to break in without previous tech experience. One myth that exists is the idea that you need to come from a tech background or have a degree in computer science or have certifications or coding – anything of that nature to be able to get a tech job, which is simply not true. There are many people that have been able to break into tech with no tech experience at all, from completely different industries.

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The truth is that there has never been a better moment to start a career in technology. Since 2010, the tech industry has created roughly 200,000 new jobs in the United States alone. The tech industry is a jobseeker’s market, with tech skill in high demand. People that know how to code are in a fantastic position. However, for those without a coding background or prior computer experience, the thought of obtaining work in this field can be intimidating.

The good news is that, contrary to popular belief, not all software developers have a computer science degree. Self-taught programmers account for 66% of all programmers. Even people with a formal technical education rely on ongoing professional development to keep their skills sharp, which necessitates self-motivation rather than formal schooling. This means that with a little effort and perseverance, you can acquire your first tech job even if you have no prior experience.

Keep in mind that demand for tech expertise now outnumbers supply. It shouldn’t be too difficult to acquire a junior position if you can demonstrate a basic understanding of common coding languages as well as a strong desire to learn more. If you enjoyed this video about how to get a tech job with no experience, IT careers, information technology jobs in tech, and how to transition into the tech industry, please remember to like, share, subscribe and leave a comment if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback. We hope to see you here again soon!

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