IT Professionals Job Market Outlook | Information Technology Career Demand

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Today we will look at the IT (Information Technology) . The IT job market outlook in this new year is looking exceptionally good.

This video gives you my outlook of the demand for IT workers in the coming year. If you are in IT you are in a very good position to be able to pick the city you want to work in.

The demand for IT professionals is only going to rise as the information age takes firm hold. The ability to manipulate and organize data as an IT coder will be crucial in the coming years.

The demand for IT workers is going to continue to skyrocket in the coming years. We can see right now, in this job market outlook video that the job web sites are bustling with jobs.

IT Tech recruiters are frantically trying to fill the demand for software developers.

With the hot job market for technology professionals, it is not surprising that salaries are up, too – though only a bit.

Technology jobs sites report that technology pay was up again last year, with IT professionals earning an average annual salary of $90,000 an increase of 2 percent over the previous year.

More than half of these IT professionals – 61 percent – earned higher salaries last year, mainly though merit raises. Another 25 percent said they received higher pay by changing employers. Thirty-seven percent of tech professionals polled said they received a bonus last year, slightly more than the 34 percent.

Technical recruiters salaries rose as well, by 19 percent to an average of 80K, showing the importance of identifying and bringing on technical professionals, said.

Demand for technology professionals rises and highly skilled talent is harder to find, the pressure is being reflected where it counts: paychecks Still, tech professionals are less happy with their earnings, signaling to companies that in order to recruit and retain the best candidates, offering more will be necessary.

However satisfaction with wages declined. I also said tech professionals are more confident that they can find a new position; 40 percent anticipate changing employers this year for improvements in pay or conditions. But with pay rising, professionals are slightly less likely to relocate to a new job.

Big data and cloud computing IT professionals deman earn the highest paychecks, I said. Cloud is not new to the tech world but as more companies — large and small — adopt the technology, tech professionals with this experience will enjoy opportunities. Big data made a big showing last year and we’re seeing it this year, too.

Regionally, the Pacific region has the highest salaries, with professionals in Silicon Valley earning an average of $110K. The second-highest-paid region is Seattle, with average salaries of $99,423, an increase of 5 percent in 2014.

Other markets with above-average pay increases included Boston and Chicago, with salaries rising 3 percent year-to-year.