IT Staffing Companies – The Good, The Bad, and The Not So Pretty


IT Staffing  Companies and How They Can Work for You

In this post we are going to look at the ups and downs of job searching with IT staffing companies, or an IT staffing agency, temp agency, employment agency – they are all very much the same thing.  This is a popular route for many IT professionals to use when they are looking for either a permanent, contract, or temporary assignment.

These companies can help you a great deal in your job search.  They are usually tuned into what’s happening in your career field.  They know who is doing the hiring.

You can also be sure that if recruiters from IT staffing companies are contacting you, the jobs they are calling about are legitimate.

These recruiters just don’t have the time to waste on so-so jobs.  Their personal income and company revenue are in direct correlation to how well they fill these jobs.  So when the recruiter comes knocking, it’s for real!

All that being said, IT staffing companies aren’t for everyone.  They are not a one size fix for your jobs search needs.  As we explore in this article, their jobs and resources must match YOUR employment needs.

Not all IT staffing companies are created equal.  We are going to show you what you need to look for and what you need to be wary of when considering working with one of these companies.  You are the one to decide if it is a good fit.  Sometimes it just comes down to the personal relationship you develop with an individual recruiter at the company.

So let’s get into it.  Let’s look at the good, the bad, and the not so pretty of IT staffing companies.

What Is a Staffing Agency?

First, let’s make sure we are all on the same page.  What are IT staffing companies?

This can mean different things for different people.  There are all sorts of staffing agency models.  You may have experienced working with one kind and be completely unaware of another kind.   Staffing agencies also go by different names.  They can be called a search firm, recruiting firm, executive search company, temporary agency, etc…

If you are familiar with  real estate agents, then you have a good concept of a staffing agency.

Real estate agents have houses that are for sale and they have people looking for buy a house.  They are like the middleman in the transaction.  Their job is to match a house buyer with a house seller.  Of course, the seller must be offering what the buyer wants in the price range the buyer is looking for.  Likewise, the buyer must be qualified (financially) to purchase the house at a price the buyer is willing to accept.

The realtor connects the two and facilitates putting the transaction together.

Similar Concept

In much the same way, conceptually, a staffing agency does this with jobs.  They (as represented by the individual recruiter) work with companies who have jobs they need to fill.  Their job is to connect qualified workers who are looking for, or interested in hearing about, these jobs.  The recruiter makes the introductions, connects both parties, and facilitates the interviewing and hiring for both.

One thing you need to be clear about — IT staffing companies are NOT trying to find you a job.  That might happen, but that is not their focus.  Their purpose is to find qualified applicants for the companies they represent.  Just like realtors are not trying to find you a house.  Their main purpose is the sell the houses for the buyers they represent.


Because it is the hiring companies that are paying the fees of IT staffing companies.  They don’t get paid unless they find the right person for the job.

So keep in mind that their first priority is to the company they represent.  That doesn’t mean they can’t be extremely helpful to you.  They have a real interest in seeing you get hired.  However, the hiring company is calling the shots.  You might be the most qualified person for the job, but if the company doesn’t see it that way, you are not going to get the interview and there is very little the recruiter can do about it!

 How do Staffing Agencies Work?

Remember first and always that IT staffing companies work for the employer.  That is who is paying their fees.  Yes, they are going to help you, treat you fairly and ethically, and they do want to see you get hired – IF you are a perfect fit for the job an IT company has given them.  They are getting big bucks from companies to find the perfect match for the job, and only the perfect match.  IT staffing companies are paid to search for, contact, and quality people that companies would not otherwise find on their own.

That is why you might be contacted by an IT staffing company even if you are not looking for a new job.

When an IT staffing company gets a job order, they will do two things right away.  First, they are going to do a search in their own internal database of resumes to see if there are any candidates that are a strong match.  These will be resumes from people the staffing company has contacted in the past or have applied to jobs they were previously recruiting for.

They may also purchase resumes from research companies whose only job is to source resumes that you may have posted somewhere online in the past.

Their internal database may have tens or hundreds of thousands of resumes, depending on the size and age of the staffing company.  This is one reason why your resume needs to be searchable.  You might check out this post about how to do that.

Network of IT Staffing Companies

Some IT staffing companies might belong to organized, formal networks with other recruiting firms.  This allows them to partner and query the resume databases of these partner firms to broaden their scope.  JobsZon belongs to one such network – Top Echelon.

You can search all of the Top Echelon Network IT jobs here >> SEARCH IT JOBS

You can also add your resume to the network here >> ADD MY RESUME.

By adding your resume, you get confidential access to hundreds of IT jobs, updated daily, across all he staffing firms in the network.  It is an excellent way to stay up to date on opportunities in your industry.  Add your resume now.

Once resumes of candidates who are well qualified have been found, the recruiter will narrow the list down to only the very best matches in terms of job posting keywords, income ranges, and geographic preferences.  Then they will start an outreach campaign of emails and phone calls to contact the candidates and interest them in considering the job.  It is at this point where you might start hearing from a recruiter.

Getting to the Hiring Company

If you have an interest in the position, then the recruiter will either interview you personally or send you a questionnaire about your qualifications as they match the job.  Not only is the recruiter looking for solid background information and experience, he or she is also looking at your motivation to make the change and interest in the job.  If they think you are only “kicking the tires”, they may pass on sending you to their client company.


Because they can’t waste their time on a candidate who may never accept an offer.  They also can’t risk their professional reputation by sending their client companies candidates who aren’t serious and who won’t accept an offer.

Note for yourself… don’t lead a recruiter on if you are just curious.  If you have no intention of changing jobs then let them know.   They will appreciate it and remember you for future positions.

On the other hand, if you just want to see what you can get, go through interviews, and then don’t take the offer… chances are you will not hear from that recruiter, or company, ever again!

IT Job Interviewing Help

If you pass all of their qualification filters, both those they have internally and those set by the hiring company, the IT staffing company will send your resume to the recruiter at the hiring company.  At this point a lot of what happens next is out of the IT staffing company’s hands.  The hiring company will evaluate your resume and either contact you directly to schedule and interview or as the staffing company recruiter to arrange and coordinate a time with you.

A good IT recruiter will take the time to help you prepare for the interview.  Depending on the level of the job, you may have a phone interview, video interview (i.e… Zoom), or an in-person interview… or maybe all three.  There are different ways to prepare for each of these interview types, so follow the advice of your IT recruiter.  The recruiter should also debrief both you and the company after the interview and provide feedback to you both.

We have loads of interviewing help on our JobsZon site. Take a look at all of our resources so you can ace your interview.

If a decision is made to hire you, that will be communicated either directly from the company or from the IT staffing company recruiter.  Either way, you’ll need to be ready to make a decision.  The hiring company and the staffing company highly value employees who are decisive.  You should have already thought about and decided what kind of offer you would accept, so either it makes your cut or it doesn’t.

The most important thing for you to remember about how IT staffing companies work is that they work for, and are paid by, the company doing the hiring.  Yes, there are some recruiting companies that ask you to pay for help finding a job.  That might work in some instances, but it is by far the exception and not the rule.


IT Staffing Companies Criteria

So how do recruiters choose candidates for IT staffing companies to represent?

First, and foremost, they are going to choose candidates that are cooperative and available.  No recruiter is going to spend time chasing a candidate who won’t respond to emails and calls or won’t complete required paperwork and questionnaires.  If you want the recruiter to go the extra mile for you, then help them by being responsive and cooperative.

The next criteria you have to meet is the hiring company’s job requirements.  If an employer is going to pay big bucks to a recruiting firm they are only going to pay for candidates who meet ALL the requirements of the job.  You might be very intelligent, have a great personality, able to learn quickly, and have years of work experience.  But if you don’t have the specific background the company requires, the recruiter is not going to send them your resume.

Don’t apply to jobs through IT staffing companies unless you have ALL the requirements.

Occasionally there might be a physical requirement for a job.  Perhaps you have to be able to lift some of the equipment or processors you are going to be working with.  If so, this will be clearly spelled out in the requirements.

There are also unwritten expectations for many jobs, but may not be listed in the job description.  You won’t really know about these until you talk to the recruiter.  They may be make or break things for you as well.  For instance, expected overtime or unspecified overnight travel.  Things that are not necessarily “required”, but happen occasionally.

Minimum Criteria at IT Staffing Companies

As a general rule, IT staffing companies criteria minimums will include:

  • 2 years or more work consecutive experience in the IT specialty you are applying for
  • Required certifications completed and active
  • Bachelors degree
  • At least 3 years at your current job and a stable job history
  • Ability to accept the job in the posted salary range
  • Willingness to accept the job in the location it is offered (i.e…. relocate if required)
  • English language proficiency
  • Resume with full address and contact information

With just a few exceptions, most IT staffing companies are not going to place new grads in jobs.  Hiring companies don’t need help finding new grad candidates.  They have the pick at college job fairs and internship opportunities.  Remember, the hiring company is paying the staffing firm to find hard to locate and attract, highly qualified candidates.  They are not there to find you a job.

You will find less help from IT staffing companies if you are trying to “break into” or switch careers in IT.  Their client companies only want to see experienced, qualified people who very, very closely match all of the job requirements.

Just be sure that if you are applying to a job through IT staffing companies, that you have ALL the minimum requirements listed for the position.  Otherwise it might turn out to be a frustrating experience for you.

Things To Consider When Evaluating Staffing Agencies

Not all IT staffing companies are created equal.  There are plenty of posts you can find in a simple Google search that will list the “Top 10” or “The best” IT staffing companies.  That might be a good place to start, but that doesn’t tell you the whole picture.  The staffing firm, and the recruiter you work with, can be highly individualized.
You have to consider YOUR job search needs and whether a particular firm is going to help you fill those needs.
Here are some things you want to think about and evaluate before you work with an IT staffing company:
  • Does the firm have a history of placing people in the kinds of jobs you want?
  • Will the recruiter tell you about the “hidden requirements” of a job?
  • Does the staffing firm have jobs currently open in your desired geography?
  • Do you have to pay for any of their services?
  • Will the staffing company proactively market you to other companies hiring?
  • Does your staffing company recruiter help you prepare for your interviews?
  • Are your phone calls and emails returned in a reasonable amount of time?
  • Can the IT staffing company guarantee your confidentiality?
  • Will the recruiter give you advice on how to improve your resume?

As you can see, there is a lot to think about before you start working with IT staffing companies.  Understanding how they work, what their criteria is to represent you, and how to evaluate them are just your first steps.


Now you need to take action.  It is time to quit reading and start working!  IT staffing companies are looking for YOU right now.  If you have the right background and you are truly motivated to make a job change, they can be your best friend in your job search.

Don’t let opportunities pass you by.