Postdoctoral Scientist in Performance Engineering and High Performance Computing

Berkeley Lab – California – The Computational Research Division at Berkeley Lab is hiring for a Postdoctoral Scientist in Performance Engineering and High Performance Computing. This position will conduct fundamental and applied research in performance modeling of scientific computing running on pre-exascale multicore and accelerator-based supercomputers. What You Will Do: Develop models to capture the key performance facets to scientific computing, including thread- and instruction-parallel algorithms running…. In-depth knowledge of multicore and GPU-accelerated architectures. Proficiency in C and/or C++ programming language. Proficiency in one or more of the parallel libraries/languages such as MPI, OpenMP, CUDA. Ability to analyze algorithms and software, and suggest novel approaches for performance. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Desired Qualifications: Software engineering tools such as make ang git. Understanding of repeatable scientific approach to algorithm…

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