Are you TOO OLD FOR A CAREER IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY? When are you too old for a career change into information technology? When is old too old? A common question that I get asked quite often, is it hard to get into I.T. when you are old? Is 40 too old? Is 50 too old to get into IT?

I answer the question “Am I too old to start an IT career?” in this video. Check it out if you’re over 35 and wondering if it’s too late for a career change into the industry. Changing careers could mean changing jobs or leaving a job to start your own business. Either way, in my opinion, your age should not hold you back from changing your career and living your dream life.

I changed my career when I was 30/31 and it was the best thing I have done career-wise. I changed professions from being in banking to become an IT specialist.