Top 5 Most Hated Sales Jobs

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Not all sales jobs are created equally. Recently we surveyed our FB groups, email list and clients on what they thought the worst jobs in the sales industry were. I was actually surprised by #1. I figured #2 would have been #1 but… the facts don’t lie.

If you work in any of these 5 industries, then just know the public does not look favorably on you. That’s a big ass objection to overcome and my guess is that as soon as artificial intelligence can replace you, it will. Meanwhile, I’d urge you to look at other sales positions to occupy that might pay better and still be around in the next decade.

Lastly, don’t take this personal. I’m only trying to red pill you into the truth. I know the truth can piss you off, but only because you know it’s true. You work in sales. You have a choice in what you do and where you work. If you settle for any sales job instead of going all in and getting your dream sales job, you can’t blame anyone but yourself and that truth might sting a little.

This video was made to empower you and show you the other possibilities that lie out there, just waiting for you to make a good decision and take action. Sign up for my free training at

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About Ryan Stewman
I’ve never had a salaried job my entire life. I’ve never taken a paid vacation or been paid for a sick day. I’ve lived my whole life on commission only.

With over 30,000 sales under my belt I’m one of the most qualified sales trainers on the planet. I literally came up to millionaire status from having only $25 to my name.

I am a 5X best selling author, contributor to Forbes, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post and many more major publications. I am CEO of 6 different companies and full time family guy.

I make these videos to help salespeople like you. Be sure and share this video with someone who needs to see it.