Transguard security interview questions

If you want to be a security guard or you looking for a job in the security industry,  Transguard Company can be the best source to learn how to make this career a reality for you.  The TransGuard Security interview questions are very similar to questions asked at almost any security guard interview.

It is the largest security organization in the UAE.  This means they are doing something right, including hiring great people.  So what does this mean for you?

It means that other security firms are likely copying what they do.  The chances are good that you might encounter some of these interview questions when you are being considered for a security guard position.

Below you will find the most frequently asked interview questions for the Transguard interview. Become familiar with these and practice your own answer for every question.  We’ve given you some strong suggestions for how to answer them.  You’ll need to customize these for your own situation, experience, and education.

Being prepared like this will give you more confidence in the interview.  When you are confident in the interview, you can perform very well and GET THE JOB!

Top Transguard Security Interview Questions

Please introduce yourself.

I am from right here in the city.  I graduated from Main High School and I have an Associate’s Degree from Main Community College.  After school I served 4 years in the US Army and I am ready to start a new career in security.


How do you define security?

Security is the protection of people, property, and information.  The security guard is responsible to maintain, or shape and secure the environment in the workplace.


What is your profession (or previous experience)?

I am a security guard in the ABC security company.

I am a retired military officer.

I am a retired police officer and I have been leveraging my law enforcement experience as a security officer in the ABC security company.



Are you willing to work any shift at any time?

Yes.  I can do any shift with a little advanced notice according to the company needs.


What are your skills?

I would say my top skills related to this position are alertness, honesty, physically fit, customer focused, and a team player. I can also be a leader when needed.


Why do you want to work with us?

First of all,  my education and experience seem like a great fit to be a security guard at your company. I have a dream to work with a well-respected, established company like yours.


What industry have you worked in as a security guard?

I have worked as a security guard in a logistics company where we had to be involved in access control, receiving, and releasing the shipment, patrolling and other security tasks.


Have you ever saved a person’s life?

Most of the security tasks i have done in my previous job involve the protection of people’s lives.  Once, when i was on patrol, i discovered a short circuit that could have caused a damaging fire. i called the technician immediately and they quickly fixed the problem.  They told me I save them countless dollars and potentially lives by my quick action.

Will they ask you other questions? Of course.

You can’t know exactly what they will ask you, so you have to be prepared.  Check out the resource below. This will keep you from sabotaging yourself in any interview!

The 7 Deadly Sins of Job Interviews

Learn how to avoid the worst job interview mistakes and get hired today!